Establishing morning habits can be challenging at first. But, with time, it becomes clear that a morning routine can set the tone for the entire day. A daily, regular practice helps to improve productivity, as well as health—on all levels, mental, physical, and even spiritual.


Thankfully, one doesn't have to be a morning person to set up a daily morning practice. There's no need to wake up at the crack of dawn and skip your morning shower to improve your chances of success. Whether successful people wake at 7:00 a.m. or at 10:00 a.m., it all boils down to how they use their time.


If you get plenty of hours of sleep, you'll have no problem implementing the daily habits of a strong morning routine. Taking vitamin D supplements and ensuring you get deeper sleep during your sleep cycle can also make it easier to transition to a morning routine. Daily gym time, eating nutritious foods, and watching your water intake can also improve REM sleep.


The first steps are always the hardest, but without them, it can be challenging to shed the old, unproductive way of doing things. Before hitting the snooze button, remind yourself that it only takes a few days for your body to adapt.


Here are some of the ways to begin your day right.

  1. Open Your Eyes, Not the Phone

Most of us involuntarily pick up our phones first thing in the morning. The truth is, there's so much to accomplish instead of aimlessly scrolling through social media. Establish a habit of not having your phone close by while in bed.


You could also turn it off to get some extra minutes free of technology when you first wake up. This approach will help you stay focused on other, more important activities to create your ideal morning. Instead of opening your email app and replying to urgent and non-urgent emails, give yourself time to get your brain and body ready for the day.

  1. Set an Affirmation

Verbally setting an intention in the morning can become a daily practice—it only takes a few seconds while you're still in bed. You can express gratitude for being alive, send positive energy to your loved ones, or envision how you'd like to see your day unfold.


Words have a powerful, vibrational frequency that can affect your emotional and physical health. This morning meditation can boost your energy levels and only takes a little extra time in bed. You can even write your intention in a journal, a practice motivational speakers call morning pages.

  1. Drink Plain Water

Something as simple as drinking a glass of water in the morning can be a powerful tonic. Two cups of room-temperature water are enough to boost your energy levels. In fact, studies have proven that warm water will cleanse and stimulate the bowels, preparing the body to get rid of its toxins.


If you're hooked on your first cup of coffee, it might seem like a tough transition, but try it! It's worth improving your water intake and naturally allowing your core body temperature to reach its ideal temperature instead of drinking scalding coffee. You can even drink lemon water if you want a bit of flavor in your morning beverage.


After you drink some water, eat a healthy breakfast. Eating healthy food and monitoring your food intake will help you feel more purposeful during the day and get deeper stages of sleep at night. A fruit bowl, banana sandwich, or Greek yogurt parfait will improve your blood sugar levels and give you a quick energy boost.

  1. Clean the Space Around You

Your surroundings highly reflect your emotional and mental states. That's why having an organized space can help you feel happier and more at ease compared to the daily craziness.


You can make your bed in the morning or lessen the clutter around you. The sense of accomplishment you feel after completing these personal chores is important for creating positive mental energy and momentum for the rest of the day.

  1. Nourish Your Spirit

We all lead busy lives that leave us feeling overwhelmed at the end of the day. We often wake up with the same level of anxiety about what another busy day will bring. Consequently, it's beneficial to start your day with practices that prepare you for the hustle and bustle ahead.


You can meditate, practice yoga, stretch, walk, or read a book. Anything that puts your mind to rest and calms any emerging anxiety is of great benet to help harness your positive mental energy. Getting your body active a few times per day gives you an instant boost of well-being.

  1. Connect With Nature

We don't really need to live in the woods to properly connect with nature. Trees, flowers, and plants in your typical, everyday environment can do the job. Observing them, communicating with them, or touching them will increase positive feelings and reduce stress levels.


The practice of connecting with nature can improve your ideal morning. It might be as easy as stepping outside for some fresh air, going for an early morning walk, or enjoying your morning coffee or tea with some light reading. Take baby steps and give yourself plenty of time to adapt to these new habits and see how they improve your overall well-being.

  1. Connect With People

Hug the people you live with and express gratitude. Greet your neighbor and take time for a bit of chitchat with coworkers. Positive interactions with people—especially in the morning— remind us to stay kind, loving, and appreciate those around us.


Maintaining nurturing connections with friends and family is a necessary part of any morning routine to remind us of purpose, lift the spirit, and enhance mental wellness. Instead of rushing to reply to random emails, give yourself the time to enjoy conversations and personal interactions.


And That's How To Start Your Day on a Positive Note


Following this exact list isn't necessary. However, once you have a basic morning routine in place, you should try other practices to see what suits your lifestyle best. Do what feels right for you, whatever it is that sets a positive, healthy tone for the day. Be patient, but be persistent and, most importantly, consistent.